Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia will propose the establishment of World Lake Day to the 10th World Water Forum (WWF), which will take place in Bali next May, according to Deputy Head of the 10th WWF Organising Committee, Endra Atmawidjaja.

He said it will be one of the four proposals to be submitted to the United Nations General Assembly after the forum conclusion.

"We will propose World Lake Day to the UN General Assembly, who will vote for the proposal as a UN resolution," Atmawidjaja stated here, on Saturday (April 27).

World Lake Day is important to accentuate the function of lakes as a natural water reservoir that should be preserved to ensure water availability for the people, he stated. The proposed commemorative day will also help raise awareness about critical conditions in various lakes throughout the world, including Indonesia, the committee deputy chair said.

"Our lakes are an extraordinary water reservoir. Although we are toiling to construct dams, we should continue to preserve the existing and natural water reservoir," Atmawidjaja stated.

He disclosed that the World Lake Day proposal is included in the Bali Declaration -- currently being drafted by Indonesia -- which will elucidate follow-up actions following the conclusion of the 10th WWF.

Apart from World Lake Day, the declaration proposed the development of the Centre of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience and mainstreaming water management issues for developing and small island countries. Indonesia also proposed the development of an inclusive and voluntary Compendium of Concrete Deliverables and Actions, which will record projects, initiatives, and collaboration between water sector stakeholders at the national, regional, and international levels.

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Meanwhile, the Head of the 10th WWF Organising Committee, Mohammad Zainal Fatah, earlier informed that the ministerial-level declaration draft is being finalised. He said the declaration would be ready during the 10th WWF.

Fatah also said the Bali Declaration is drafted through consultations with various stakeholders, including the World Water Council, as facilitated by Indonesia's Foreign Ministry and UNESCO.


Pewarta : Bayu Saputra, Nabil Ihsan
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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