Bandar Lampung, Lampung (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs Zulkifli Hasan ensured that rice stocks are safe ahead of the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year.

"We have an abundant stock of rice for Christmas and New Year," he said during his working visit to the rice processing factory and Bulog Warehouse in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, Sunday.

Moreover, the minister informed that the current rice stock is the highest since Indonesia's independence in 1945. Therefore, people should not worry about the availability or price spikes, Hasan added.

"This is the most rice stock we have. The stock is safe. For any turmoil in the market, we will distribute the SPHP (Stabilization of Food Supply and Prices) rice at the price set by the government," he disclosed.

Furthermore, he encouraged factories and warehouses owned by the state-owned logistic company, Bulog, to accommodate as much rice grain as possible, to be processed and utilized by the community.

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"The factory is quite good. It only needs an optimization. Please accommodate as much rice grain as possible to be processed," he reminded.

Meanwhile, Bulog's business director Febby Novita said that by the end of this year, her party has prepared around 150 thousand SPHP rice per month to anticipate price fluctuations in the market.

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"We have prepared 150 thousand tons of SPHP rice per month towards the end of this year. For Lampung, we have prepared around 5,000 tons to 6,000 tons per month towards the end of the year," she informed.

On a different occasion, Trade Minister Budi Santoso also ensured a sufficient supply of cooking oil ahead of Christmas and New Year. In addition, his party would monitor and coordinate with regional governments to ensure a sufficient stock of cooking oil.

His party is also committed to maintaining the price of cooking oil to remain affordable for the public towards the end of the year.


Pewarta : Dian Hadiyatna, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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