Makassar (ANTARA) - Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka on Wednesday reviewed the trial of the Free Nutritious Meals program at a public elementary school (SDN) in Maros district, South Sulawesi province.

Accompanied by South Sulawesi acting governor Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, VP Gibran distributed around 800 boxes of nutritious meals to the students of SDN 103 Inpres Hasanuddin.

Each meal box contained rice, chicken, tofu, oranges, vegetables, and milk, and had 778.6 calories in total. In terms of nutritional content, each meal had 71.6 grams of carbohydrates, 28.7 grams of proteins, and 42.3 grams of fat.

During the visit, the Vice President directly interacted with the students and watched them enjoy their meal.

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Meanwhile, acting governor Fakrulloh asked the kids, "Who likes the food? In response, the students raised their hands to show their approval of the meal. The students said they were delighted to have the opportunity to directly meet with the Vice President.

"I am happy with such a free lunch meal. The food is delicious," Akbar, one of the students at the elementary school, said.

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In addition to the acting governor, Gibran was accompanied by a member of the House of Representatives (DPR), Amar Ma'ruf Sulaiman; the acting head of Maros district, Suhartina Bohari; leaders of regional military and police; and the speaker of the South Sulawesi regional parliament.

After wrapping up his activity at SDN, the Vice President left for Sultan Hasanuddin Air Base to fly to Buntu Kunik Airport in Tana Toraja district, where he was scheduled to attend the closing of the 18th General Assembly of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI).


Pewarta : M. Darwin, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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