Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Police (Polri) and the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) will cooperate to anticipate cyberattacks during the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, from May 9–11, 2023.

The Assistant for Operations to Polri Chief, Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendy, said that the police have prepared a special task force to anticipate the possibility of cyberattacks.

"Concerning the potential disturbance that may occur in cyberspace, Polri and BSSN have organized an effort to secure the cyberspace," he informed at a Merdeka Barat 9 Forum discussion on Friday.

Cyberspace security will involve integrated configurations with BSSN, Polri, State Intelligence Agency (BIN) intel, and National Defense Force (TNI) intel.

"This has become the dynamic that we will continue to collaborate on and integrate with one another," he said.

According to Effendy, the aspect of security is not just about what is seen but also what is unseen, such as a cyberattack.

"We will continue to manage this anticipation (of cyberattacks) with the BSSN so that there will be no cyber disturbance in all of the summit activities. We will do the preparation and the steps," he informed.

On Friday, the police officially launched a centralized security operation codenamed the 2023 Komodo Operation, which will end on May 11.

In total, eight task forces will take part in the operation, including the Preemptive Task Force and Anti-Terror Task Force.

The operation will involve a detailed security mechanism and will be integrated with all aspects, both security and supporting aspects of the summit itself, Effendy said.

"We want to ensure that this summit is held in a safe condition. Everything has been planned and the schedule and activities have been arranged," he added.

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"With more detailed preparations, we will be able to ensure that the summit will go according to plan," he said.


Pewarta : Laily Rahmawaty, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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