Jayapura (ANTARA) - The Resort Police in Jayapura, Papua, has taken steps to ensure that 139 villages in the district remain secure, safe, and ready to hold general elections on February 14.

Police Adjunct Chief Commissioner Fredrickus W. Maclarimboen, chief of the Jayapura Resort Police, said that local police officers have been working hand in hand with people to ensure that Jayapura district remains safe and ready for the upcoming elections.

He said that the security situation in a disruption-prone zone in Bumi Besum village has improved, enabling locals to participate in the upcoming elections.

On January 1, there was a clash between villagers, which resulted in several houses burning down in Bumi Besum.

"However, we can confirm that the situation in the village has gradually improved. The village is safe," he said.

He added that the security apparatus also managed to ease rising tensions between the people of two villages in Demta sub-district and make the situation conducive again.

"Traditional figures and people in that region had agreed to make peace and help police and military officers create a safe and peaceful condition. We hope that this situation will sustain itself so the elections can be held here," he said.

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He also highlighted that the district is home to several regions, such as Airu, Ravenirara, Yokari, Kaureh, and Yapsi, whose terrains can make the distribution of election logistics challenging. Officials will need to cross rivers and other types of difficult terrain to distribute election logistics to the regions, Maclarimboen said.

"We will pay close attention to this matter in order to ensure the smooth running of the distribution of logistics for the election to polling stations in such regions," he said.

Pewarta : Yudhi E, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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