Jakarta (ANTARA) - Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah called for special attention to the condition of workers in Palestine and highlighted the importance of international support to overcome the challenges they face at an International Labor Organization (ILO) meeting.

Fauziyah lauded the ILO director general's report describing the suffering of workers in Palestine, according to a statement issued by her office on Friday. She said the report clearly shows the scale of destruction and difficulty experienced by the Palestinian people, especially workers. 

"We agree that any effort to alleviate their suffering must begin with a cessation of hostilities," Fauziyah said in her speech at the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday, as quoted in the statement.

The cessation of the invasion and the provision of unimpeded access to emergency assistance are crucial steps, she stressed.

"We call on the international community to stop the double standard in dealing with this issue and actively fight for social justice for Gaza," she said in her speech.

Fauziyah emphasized the importance of stronger political support for the recognition of the Palestinian state and encouraging a peace process under the auspices of the UN. She said that realizing Palestinian independence is the only way to achieve sustainable peace. In particular, she called for a commitment to uphold international law to protect civilians in occupied regions.

She also underlined the importance of implementing the 2021–2025 Palestinian National Employment Strategy, which was designed jointly with the ILO. The strategy aims to provide decent work opportunities, improve social protection, and strengthen labor market governance.

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"We urge the expansion of social protection measures and support for unemployed workers and war victims in occupied regions," Fauziyah said.

At the end of her speech, Fauziyah called for global cooperation to ensure the success of the recovery and reconstruction phases in Palestine. She also urged ILO to partner with other UN agencies, including UNRWA, to ensure that the distribution of aid and development programs is right on target.

Pewarta : Prisca Triferna V, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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