Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to meet with East Kalimantan business players at Garuda Palace, Nusantara capital city (IKN), on Tuesday (July 30, 2024), his second day working from the city."The President wants to provide an opportunity to local business actors around the IKN to participate in bringing a bright future to the new capital city," the presidential secretariat's deputy for protocol, press, and media, Yusuf Permana, informed in the secretariat's statement on Monday.

Jokowi will meet with representatives from the Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Kadin) and Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) from Balikpapan, Samarinda, and North Penajam Paser, he said.

The meeting will take place at 10:15 a.m. Central Indonesian Time (WITA), according to Permana.  Afterward, the President is scheduled to meet with officers from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and National Police (Polri), he said.

"Mr. President envisions the new capital Nusantara as a safe city that is completely free from crimes," he added.

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Permana said that the president was also expected to hold an audience with leaders of the Mulawarman Regional Military Command, East Kalimantan Regional Police, Military Resort Command, North Penajam Paser Resort Police, and North Penajam Paser Military District Command. 

Jokowi began working from his IKN office on Monday. On the first day, he held a meeting with the IKN Authority, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, and several regional leaders from East Kalimantan. He is planning to stay at Garuda Palace for two or three days before flying back to Jakarta to carry out his agendas.


Pewarta : Benardy F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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