Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is still coordinating with foreign authorities to investigate an alleged corruption case at Pertamina Energy Trading Ltd (Petral).The case is related to crude oil and refinery products trading at Pertamina Energy Services Pte. Ltd. (PES), a subsidiary of state-owned oil company PT. Pertamina (Persero)

"The communication process with the foreign jurisdictions is still ongoing. Coordination with foreign authorities is important in the continuation of the investigation due to differences in jurisdiction," spokesperson for the KPK, Tessa Mahardhika, informed on Tuesday.

He said that the KPK needs to gather some data and information under the jurisdiction of other countries. On August 1, 2024, the KPK summoned several witnesses as part of its investigation into alleged corruption at Petral regarding the fuel business process at Pertamina.

The witnesses included Pertamina cost management manager - management acct. controller, Agus Sujiyarto; manager - market analysis development, Anizar Burlian; Pertamina manager - crude product and programming commercial, Cendra Buana Siregar; and president director of PT Anugrah Pabuaran Energy, Lukma Neska.

On Tuesday, the KPK also examined four other witnesses, including the former finance director of PTMN (former BOC PES), Ferederick ST Siahaan, and VP Power & NRE, Directorate of Gas, New and Renewable Energy PTMN (former BOD support manager PTMN), Ginanjar Sofyan.

They also included PT. Pertamina - senior analyst downstream (former company strategic growth staff), Imam Mul Akhyar, and PT. Pertamina account receivables manager, Iswina Dwi Yunanto. The four witnesses were questioned by investigators regarding the supply chain and purchase of crude oil related to the case.

The KPK named Bambang Irianto, who served as the managing director of PT Pertamina Energy Services Pte. Ltd. (PES) from 2009 to 2013, as a suspect in the case on September 10, 2019.

Irianto also served as the president director of Pertamina Energy Trading Ltd (Petral) before being replaced in 2015. In the case construction, the KPK said that Irianto was appointed as vice president (VP) of marketing at PES on May 6, 2009.

While Irianto was still working at the Pertamina Head Office in 2008, he met with representatives of KERNEL Oil Pte. Ltd (KERNEL Oil), one of PES/PT Pertamina's partners in the trade of crude oil and refinery products.

Irianto and several PES officials were responsible for determining the partners for the tender. One of the national oil companies (NOS) that was often invited to participate in the tender and was eventually appointed to deliver cargo for PES/PT Pertamina was the Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC).

Baca juga: KPK periksa PPK, Pokja dan Tim PPHP shelter tsunami KLU di kantor BPKP NTB
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It is suspected that ENOC was invited as a camouflage for PES' cooperation with NOC to meet the procurement requirements, when in fact, the oil came from KERNEL Oil. Irianto allegedly invited ENOC, even though he knew that the NOC was not the party appointed to deliver the cargo to PES/PT Pertamina.

Irianto, through the account of SIAM Group Holding Ltd, is suspected of having received at least US$2.9 million for the assistance he provided to KERNEL Oil. He is suspected of violating Article 12 letter a, or Article 12 letter b, subsidiary to Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001.





Pewarta : Fianda Sjofjan R, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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