Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned shipping company PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) recorded that it had so far transported 366,002 homebound travelers during the Christmas and New Year holiday period."From December 11 to 29, 2024, people who traveled using Pelni ships reached 366,002," Pelni President Director Tri Andayani told the press here on Sunday, after witnessing the departure of 703 sea passengers onboard Pelni's KM Labobar ship.

She noted that the number has reached 72.2 percent of the total projected number of passengers, namely 507,057 people. According to her, the busiest routes during the year-end holiday period are Batam–Belawan, Belawan–Batam, and Makassar–Bau Bau.

Meanwhile, the busiest ports for departure were Makassar, Ambon, and Batam ports. Furthermore, Andayani noted that the highest trips of Pelni passengers were recorded in Indonesia's central regions, reaching 40.3 percent, followed by eastern regions, with 35.8 percent, and western regions, with 23.9 percent.

For the Christmas and New Year holiday period, Pelni readied a total of 55 ships, comprising 25 passenger ships and 30 smaller ships. Pelni's transportation period for the holidays started on December 11 and will end on January 8.

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The departure of the 703 sea passengers was also witnessed by Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Transportation Minister Dudy Purwagandhi, and Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

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"We will continue to ensure the smoothness until the return flow period, and of course, the safety of passengers remains our priority," she highlighted.

Minister AHY and other officials expressed appreciation for Pelni's efforts to ensure the smooth running of the Christmas and New Year homecoming exodus, especially in the sea transportation sector.


Pewarta : Muhammad Harianto, Raka Adji
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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