Pekalongan (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Culture Giring Ganesha called on Indonesian people, especially those from younger generations, to participate in initiatives aimed at preserving Indonesia's traditional batik cloth.

"It is vital that we preserve batik. All citizens should partake in preservation efforts. This cause is what drove us to visit Pekalongan," he remarked in Pekalongan City, Central Java, on Sunday.

Ganesha, a former lead vocalist of a renowned band, noted that the Ministry of Culture has devised a variety of initiatives, such as the Immersive Batik program, to inspire youngsters to preserve and promote batik.

He noted that young people's participation is urgently needed, given that many batik artists are aging.

"I believe that batik could vanish in the absence of a regeneration of artists. In a bid to pursue a regeneration, therefore, the government has moved to inspire youngsters to preserve and innovate on the existing batik motifs," he said.

On that note, Ganesha observed that many Indonesians had begun to confidently showcase on social media the appeal of combining modern clothing with a batik sarong, a traditional fabric commonly worn by Muslims in Southeast Asian countries.

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The deputy minister then underlined the importance of ensuring that batik cloths, especially those produced domestically, remain in demand in domestic markets.

"We cannot afford to let cheaper imported clothes threaten local batik industries," he stressed.

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He then appreciated the Pekalongan Batik Museum for its complete and informative batik collections.

During his Pekalongan visit, Ganesha also received a batik sarong as a gift.

"This gift inspires me to wear a batik sarong every Friday," he said while implying the fabric's connection to Friday prayer.


Pewarta : Kutnadi, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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