Bandung, West Java (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, said that the handling of victims of a train collision in Bandung district, West Java, on Friday must be carried out well.He added that several health facilities, such as hospitals and community health centers (puskesmas), must be made ready to treat the victims.

"The handling must be carried out well, fast, and we are prioritizing the safety of the passengers and the crew," he said while visiting the site of the train collision in Cicalengka sub-district, Bandung district, West Java, on Friday.

Effendy further said that based on the information he has received, those who died in the incident were officers or workers from state-owned railway company PT KAI. Meanwhile, dozens of passengers were injured.

"We are very concerned. The government also conveys its condolences to the victims of this train accident," the minister added.

Friday's collision involved Turangga Train, a long-distance train running the Bandung-Surabaya route, and Bandung Raya Train, a local commuter line train running the Padalarang-Cicalengka route.

The two trains collided around 6 a.m. on Friday between the Haurpugur and Cicalengka stations in Cicalengka sub-district.

PT KAI reported that four people — a train driver, a driver's assistant, a train attendant, and a security officer — lost their lives in the accident.

Furthermore, 33 people were injured and were taken to the nearest hospitals, such as Cicalengka Regional Public Hospital, Edelweiss Hospital, AMC Hospital, and Santosa Hospital, for medical treatment.

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The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has formed a team to investigate the cause of the train collision.

In a statement, KNKT chair Soerjanto Tjahjono informed that his committee is currently collecting data and factual information, including information from witnesses, while awaiting the results of the investigation.


Pewarta : Ricky Prayoga, Raka Adji
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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