Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government has fulfilled its obligation to distribute set-top boxes (STBs) to residents following the completion of the analog switch-off last year, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics said on Friday.Secretary of the ministry's Directorate General of Post and Informatics, Indra Maulana, said that as of December 2023, a total of 1,788,309 STB units have been distributed to recipients, of which 1,357,178 units were from the government."The rest were contributed by private broadcasting companies," he explained

He said that the ministry is continuing to coordinate with private broadcasters and urging them to complete their obligation to distribute 4,330,760 STB units. The need to fulfill the obligation has become more urgent since private broadcasters have distributed only 421,131 STB units to residents as of December 2023.

Despite the distribution issue, he said that the analog switch-off has proceeded smoothly, and digital broadcasting transmission has covered most regions in Indonesia. To date, the digital penetration level has reached 90 percent of all regions throughout Indonesia, he said.

"This means that the analog switch-off scheme has been successfully implemented," Maulana added.

The ministry is ready to help residents get their STB units so they can enjoy digital television, he said, adding that eligible residents can contact the ministry's service center through hotline number 159 to apply for the assistance.

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"Our service to request an STB unit through phone is open, and residents can also request the kit through their regional government since the local authority knows the local condition better," he added.

Pewarta : Livia Kristianti, Nabil Ihsan
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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