Jakarta (ANTARA) - Inspector General of the Home Affairs Ministry Tomsi Tohir called on local governments to pay attention to the prices of staple commodities ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

"Regarding Ramadan this year, we appeal to colleagues (local governments) in the regions to carry out monitoring and synergy related to the availability and affordability (of food commodities)," Tohir noted in the ministry's statement here on Monday.

He appealed to the local governments and ranks of the Regional Leaders Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) to conduct monitoring and supervision to mitigate the increase in food prices.

He also underscored the need for them to monitor the prices of fuel oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) due to their effects on the prices of commodities. He drew attention to several commodities -- chicken eggs, garlic, cooking oil, rice, chicken meat, sugar, onions, and chili -- that were still experiencing price hikes in several regions.

Hence, he deemed it necessary for the local governments and Forkopimda ranks to make efforts to control the prices. He said some efforts that can be taken include conducting cheap food movements, ensuring adequate food supplies and their smooth distribution, and coordinating freight tariff policy in the regions.

Local governments also need to explain to the public about the availability of commodity supplies, including how the government is handling the condition.

"This is important to maintain public trust, and I ask community leaders to disseminate information on efforts that we have carried out," he explained.

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Furthermore, Tohir called on local governments that have a high Price Development Index (IPH) to take control measures, as he believes that the IPH is the cause of high inflation.

"(The regions) really need to check and look for the problems and (implement) concrete efforts," he stressed. 


Pewarta : Narda S, Kenzu
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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