Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas, Maruarar Sirait, has revealed that his ministry will soon formulate a road map to achieve the target of building three million homes per year."I and Deputy Minister Fahri (Hamzah) will work to present the requested blueprint or road map, which will outline our strategies (for the program) before December 6, 2024," he informed during a meeting with Commission V of the House of Representatives (DPR) here on Monday.

He made the statement in response to a request made by Deputy Speaker of Commission V, Syaiful Huda, for a road map.

During the meeting, Huda highlighted that the success of the ambitious program will depend on thorough and comprehensive preparation, considering that the program's target far exceeds the number of homes built annually so far, which stands at 150 thousand on average.

"Such preparations are essential so that this three million homes program spurs public optimism rather than triggering pessimistic narratives," he said.

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The lawmaker further emphasized that the road map should outline various aspects in detail, including short-term plans, strategies, solutions to land issues, and involvement of private actors.

Additionally, he said, it is crucial that the road map puts forward the number of houses targeted to be built by private actors and provides details on the funds to be allocated from the State Budget (APBN).

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According to a survey conducted by Statistics Indonesia (BPS) in 2023, Indonesia is in need of around 9.9 million new houses for its citizens.

To address the housing backlog, the new administration, led by President Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, has decided to set the target of constructing three million new houses every year. 



Pewarta : Shofi Ayudiana, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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