Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Environment Hanif Faisol Nurofiq asked producers in the country to immediately make a waste reduction road map.

"We have sent an official letter to 613 producers in Indonesia to immediately make a waste reduction road map by producers," he said in the Jakarta Clean from Waste Collaboration event as monitored online from here on Sunday.

He mentioned that producers are obliged to prepare a road map based on Ministerial Regulation No. P.75/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/10/2019 concerning the Roadmap for Waste Reduction by Producers.

Waste reduction implementation, he said, is important in order to support the implementation of circular economic principles in the country.

He asked the producers who were participating in the event to declare the acceleration of waste handling in Jakarta.

Baca juga: Akuatik Indonesia rencanakan "road map" menuju prestasi dunia

In the event, a commitment to manage organic waste handling in hotels, restaurants, and cafes was also signed. This step was carried out to strengthen the circular economy concept by taking concrete steps.

"We are waiting for the road map completion and will supervise the implementation," Nurofiq said.

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In efforts to resolve waste problems in the country, the Ministry of Environment has sent a letter to 306 regional heads to improve waste management in landfills.

In that letter, the ministry urged regional heads to reduce the practice of open dumping and switch to a controlled landfill and sanitary landfill.

Furthermore, the Environment Ministry is looking to ensure the availability of plastic and paper waste as raw materials for recycling purposes in the country, following the plan to stop the import of plastic waste and tighten the import of paper waste.


Pewarta : Prisca, Kenzu
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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