Jakarta (ANTARA) - All types of transportation infrastructure, including airports, train stations, bus terminals, and ports, are ready for 110.67 million people projected to travel during the Christmas and New Year holiday period, Transportation Minister Dudy Purwagandhi stated.

In a statement received from his ministry here on Sunday, he noted that in the past few days he conducted a firsthand inspection on a number of vital transportation sites in Banten, Jakarta, and West Java provinces, such as Soekarno-Hatta Airport and several train stations.

The reviewed stations include those serving the Jakarta-Bandung Whoosh high-speed train. Purwagandhi underscored that, in general, the transportation infrastructures have been well-prepared to serve the large number of travelers expected to be concentrated on Java Island during the period.

The minister urged all relevant stakeholders in the sector to continue monitoring the well-being of all modes of transportation to ensure the safety of the people.

"Such a measure is vital to avoid accidents," he affirmed.

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He also emphasized the importance of intensive coordination among the stakeholders, as he believes that the Ministry of Transportation cannot work alone to make the year-end holiday a smooth and successful period.

"With us collaborating, we can expect the people to experience safe, comfortable, and smooth trips," he pointed out.

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Furthermore, the minister also drew attention to the importance of anticipating the potential of bad weather disrupting people's mobility during the period.

"It is crucial that we anticipate high intensity rains and the potential of hydrometeorological disasters occurring during the Christmas and New Year period. Hence, I hope that all stakeholders will continue coordinating with the BMKG (Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency), he stated.

Pewarta : Muhammad H, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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