Sigi, Central Sulawesi (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT) supported the development of a coffee-based economy in Wayu Village in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi.
The ministry's Director of Flagship Product Development, M Fachri, said here on Sunday, that it is important to downstream village superior products such as coffee, cocoa, vanilla, coconut, and palm oil in the area.

He said the ministry has a target to boost the downstream of various quality products or commodities in the village. He said that starting next year, the government will select some superior products from the agricultural and plantation sectors to make them national strategic commodities.

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"The program is following President Prabowo Subianto's directive to no longer export raw materials, so we must be able to downstream all products in the village," he said.

He explained the downstream can increase the added value of products. Hence, he believes that the coffee commodity ecosystem and governance in the area can improve in the future.

"It is expected that coffee-producing villages in Sigi District can receive mentoring so that their products can be sold abroad," he said.

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In the future, he said, Sigi District must develop villages that can export superior products, so they can be included in the exporting village program by the PDTT Ministry.

"Villages in the export program will be trained by the ministry, starting from upstream to downstream, because the village development must be thematic and based on superior products," Fachri said.

In Sigi District, there are many variants of coffee such as arabica from Dompu of West Marawola Sub-district and robusta from Lindu of Kulawi Raya and Palolo regions.

Pewarta : Salam, Kenzu
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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