Jakarta (ANTARA) - A member of the House of Representatives (DPR), Novita Wijayanti, has asked people to welcome 2025 with fresh enthusiasm and optimism about building a better future."The year 2024 has had various challenges, but also many lessons and opportunities for us to continue to develop. Let's face 2025 with a new spirit to change for the better," she said in a statement released here on Monday.

She also asked people to take the new year as an opportunity to evaluate their previous journey as well as design new plans for the future.

"We must be grateful for the achievements so far, while maintaining the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation as the foundation of the nation's strength," she said.

She added that the current challenges must be faced with hard work and a joint commitment to create a more advanced, prosperous, and fair Indonesia for all society.

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"Let's continue to work together and collaborate in building a better nation. The year 2025 is our opportunity to gain more achievements and create positive changes in every aspect of life," she said.

Wijayanti expressed the hope that as the year draws to a close, the Indonesian people will remain optimistic and believe that with work and togetherness, the nation can realize a brighter and more hopeful future.

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She also conveyed New Year wishes to all Indonesian people.

"Happy New Year; let's make 2025 a year full of hope and success," she remarked.

Ahead of the new year, DPR held the Indonesia Opinion Festival (IOF) on December 29 and 30, 2024, to provide a wider space for the community to share their views and aspirations. 





Pewarta : Narda S, Kenzu
Editor : I Komang Suparta
Copyright © ANTARA 2025