Makassar, South Sulawesi (ANTARA) - State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas has prepared 60 thousand special formations for ministries and institutions at the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan province."There will be 60 thousand formations from ministries and institutions. We choose the digital talents to be transferred there," he told journalists on the sidelines of an event at the South Sulawesi Governor's Office on Friday.

From this number, his party has also prepared affirmative formations for local residents, especially those domiciled in the IKN area to work at the ministerial and state agency levels.

"The affirmative position is maybe five percent or two thousand. The local residents will not compete with candidates from other regions," Anas added.

When asked about the relocation schedule, the minister said that it has been currently postponed from the original plan for July 2024 due to several problems.

"We are currently preparing the relocation according to infrastructure readiness. However, we received reports from the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, the heavy rain at IKN delayed the infrastructure completion," he informed.

Earlier, he said that his party has prepared 100 thousand special formations for fresh graduates to work at IKN Nusantara.

"We have prepared special formations based on the President's direction. Approximately, 100 thousand formations will be opened for multitasking talents at IKN for this year or the next year," Anas added.

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He informed that the government has prepared several scenarios, not just based on the ministry, but based on echelon I, echelon II, and echelon III.

"We have created several scenarios for state civil servants (ASN) to go to IKN; of course, it will be adjusted to housing readiness. For the first batch, we will send 14 thousand ASN, followed by 11 thousand ASN, six thousand ASN, and lastly 3,216 ASN," he said.

Pewarta : M Darwin F, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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