Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government is expected to move to Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, in 2028, once the new capital is ready to assume its role as the political capital, according to an official from the presidential office."The President stated that the government will relocate to IKN once it is fully capable of serving as the political capital," Hasan Nasbi, the head of the communication office, informed in a statement released on Tuesday.

"This means there will be executive, legislative, and judicial offices in IKN," he said in a text message to journalists.

Hasan made the statement in response to questions about when Prabowo will relocate his office to the new capital. Hasan emphasized that the development of IKN will continue as planned.

He said that IKN could become the political capital by 2028 or 2029 at the latest, provided no significant obstacles arise. So far, the government, through the IKN Authority, has continued development efforts at IKN, he informed.

The IKN Authority has disclosed that ongoing development projects in Nusantara include buildings for the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan), State Intelligence Agency (BIN), National Armed Forces (TNI), and National Police (Polri).

These projects have been included in the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) revision.

Baca juga: OIKN: Gedung Kemhan hingga TNI-Polri di IKN tahap revisi DIPA

"The DIPA is being revised. Once completed, contracts can be signed and the projects will move forward," Basuki Hadimuljono, head of the IKN Authority, said in a statement issued on Monday.

Baca juga: Pembangunan pusat pemerintahan di IKN dilanjutkan

According to Hadimuljono, construction projects for the Kemhan, BIN, TNI, and Polri buildings have been tendered and finalized, but the contracts have not been signed yet. The signing of the contracts is pending the completion of the DIPA revision.

Pewarta : Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga, Tia Mutiasari
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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