Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Tourism is encouraging efforts to improve cleanliness at tourist destinations to raise Indonesia's tourism ranking.According to deputy for the development of event organizers at the Ministry of Tourism, Vinsensius Jemadu, in cleanliness and health, Indonesian tourist destinations still rank relatively low.

After a press conference in Jakarta on Tuesday, he said that Indonesia still ranks 89th out of 114 countries in terms of the cleanliness and health aspects of tourist destinations. According to Jemadu, the government is seeking to move up the ranking to the top 60 or even, the top 50.

"To go up two to three (ranks) from the target is very difficult," he said.

The Ministry of Tourism is currently carrying out the Clean Tourism Movement (GWB) to encourage the improvement of cleanliness and health at tourist destinations.

It is also educating and assisting micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) players in prioritizing hygiene in preparing, processing, packaging, serving, and selling food products at tourist destinations.

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In the Tourism and Travel Development Index of 2024, Indonesia ranked 22nd out of 119.

"We want it to continue to rise to 20th, or even, one day reach the top 10 ... however, the cleanliness and health pillars are very concerning," he said.

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He noted that many food items sold by vendors in tourist areas are still not hygienically prepared.

"This is an indicator that the cleanliness and hygiene are still very lacking, and we will improve these," he added.


Pewarta : Hreeloita Dharma, Raka Adji
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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