Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry is developing new and renewable energy (EBT) sources, such as hydrogen, ammonia, and nuclear, to achieve the energy transition and meet the net zero emissions (NZE) target by 2060.

"We need new energy for efficiency, such as hydrogen, ammonia, and nuclear," said director general of new, renewable energy and energy conservation at the ministry, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, during the UOB Gateway to ASEAN Conference 2023, in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The government is also committed to developing solar power plants (PLTS), which are targeted to become the country's main energy source by 2060. To achieve this end, the government has continued to increase the supply of batteries to store heat from solar panels.

"We also need stable power plants, such as geothermal and hydrogen, to overcome various energy challenges in Indonesia," Priaadi added.

Those steps, he continued, are expected to help Indonesia meet domestic energy needs while promoting efficiency. The efforts are also expected to encourage companies to adopt energy efficiency measurements. On a separate occasion, Minister of ESDM, Arifin Tasrif, emphasized the importance of accelerating the energy transition to achieve the 2060 net zero emission (NZE) target through various government programs.

The programs include the massive development of EBTs, the retirement of PLTUs (steam-fired power plants), the implementation of biomass co-firing at PLTUs, the conversion of PLTDs (diesel power plants) to PLT Gas and PLT EBT, the implementation of mandatory B35 and B40, the implementation of CCS/CCUS (carbon capture and storage/carbon capture, utilization, and storage), the acceleration of the electric vehicle program, and the household electrification program.

Baca juga: Kementerian ESDM: PLN miliki cara paling cepat hasilkan green hydrogen
Baca juga: Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif sebut pemerintah terus galakkan pemanfaatan bioetanol

Not only domestically, Tasrif called for the provision of clean energy in the Southeast Asian region. Through its ASEAN chairmanship this year, Indonesia has succeeded in pushing for a joint declaration on sustainable energy security through ASEAN power grid interconnectivity and the trans-ASEAN gas pipeline. "The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is optimistic about implementing all clean energy programs, which are the energy of the future," he said.


Pewarta : Imamatul Silfia, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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