Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria has said that the development of "digital triathletes" is part of the government's efforts to narrow Indonesia's digital skills gap."The world is predicted to face digital talent shortage, with more than 60 percent of hiring managers worldwide reporting difficulties in finding qualified digital talents," Patria pointed out in an official statement issued here on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, he noted, global digital transformation has changed the supply and demand of digital talents. It has been estimated that the world needs around 149 million digital talents to keep pace with rapid digital transformation.

Taking note of this, Patria urged countries to prepare digital triathletes, that is, digital strategists, digital innovators, and digital drivers.

"First, digital strategists who are able to respond to market trends with great vision and impact. Second, digital innovators who are able to drive innovation based on data, and third, digital drivers who have the ability to initiate strategic collaboration," he expounded.

Patria added that such digital experts are needed in pursuing digital transformation, and many governments around the world have been preparing their own digital human resources.

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"The top professions in the next five years will require high digital competencies, such as AI and machine learning specialists, robotics engineers, and database architects. Currently, the government's challenge is to retain existing digital talents," he said.

If this is not realized, he warned, there will be around 85 million vacant jobs by 2030. Therefore, digital skill workshops are very useful to gather inputs for digital transformation, he said.




Pewarta : Chairul R, Kenzu
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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