Semarang, Central Java (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Religious Affairs are preparing to provide education on family life, especially to couples planning to get married, through religious affairs offices (KUAs).The step is aimed at helping couples get guidance on preparations before forming a family unit, for instance, regarding reproductive health and financial matters.

"We have cooperated with KUAs through the Ministry of Religious Affairs," deputy for youth development at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Raden Isnanta, said here on Wednesday.

According to him, currently, the guidance provided at KUAs does not cover the aspects of real family life and its duration is also too short.

"Through this cooperation, we increase it because there are many things that have to be conveyed to youngsters (who are planning to get married)," he added.

He said that one of the topics of the guidance would be building communication between married partners.

"Husband and wife need communication. It will be taught by communication experts," he added.

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Isnanta informed that as part of the collaboration, the two ministries are currently carrying out intensive discussions regarding the points and formulating the drafts. The education program is planned to be implemented this year after the module of cooperation is completed.

KUAs, which are under the purview of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, are currently only providing marriage registration services to Muslims. In early 2024, Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas shared a plan for KUAs providing services, such as marriage registrations, not only to Muslims but also to people from other religions. According to him, by expanding the function of KUAs as offices that provide marriage registration services for all religions, data on marriage and divorce can be made more integrated. 



Pewarta : Redemptus Elyonai, Raka Adji
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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