Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono has said that his ministry is focusing on expanding marine health conservation, including coral reefs."One of our focuses is increasing the closed conservation area so that coral reef areas can be well-maintained," he said in Jakarta on Tuesday.

One of the goals of the additional budget of Rp4.47 trillion (US$274 million) for the 2025 fiscal year proposed to the House of Representatives (DPR) is protecting Indonesia's conservation areas, he noted.

However, regarding the amount that will be disbursed for conservation, he said he will still study it further with his staff, especially the Directorate General of Maritime and Marine Spatial Management (PKRL) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

Trenggono proposed the additional budget of Rp4.47 trillion (US$274 million) for the 2025 fiscal year during a joint meeting with the DPR on Tuesday.

The proposal aims to facilitate the smooth implementation of the ministry's eco-focused blue economy policy.

"It is hoped that (the proposed additional budget) will become input for the government in preparing the 2025 budget ceiling. So that the proposed KKP indicative ceiling for 2025 will be Rp10.7 trillion," he said.

The ministry is targeting to increase the extent of conservation areas in Indonesia to 30 percent of the nation's entire marine area by 2045. Trenggono said that currently, conservation areas in Indonesian waters span 28.9 million hectares.

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According to him, conservation areas are important as a starting point for ensuring the sustainability of fisheries resources. The ministry's blue economy policy consists of five scopes, including expanding marine conservation areas, implementing quota-based measurable fishing policies, and developing sustainable marine, coastal, and land aquaculture.

It further includes monitoring and controlling coastal areas and small islands and cleaning up plastic trash in the sea through fishermen's participation movements.  

Pewarta : Sinta Ambarwati, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor : I Komang Suparta
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