Sragen, Central Java (ANTARA) - A student from France was found dead in her accommodation in Kauman Village, Gemolong Sub-district, Sragen District, Central Java, around 3.30 a.m. Western Indonesia Time (WIB) on Thursday.
Head of the Sragen District Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner Petrus Parningotan Silalahi informed here on Thursday that the student, identified as Clara Danielle Jeanne Carmagnolle, was found in the bathroom of her shared accommodation.
The 24-year-old student was in Indonesia on a student exchange program, he said. Based on the initial examination at the Gemolong Community Health Center, her body bore no signs of violence.
However, to determine the cause of death, the body has been sent to Dr. Moewardi Solo Hospital for further examination. Silalahi said that the student was known to have a history of anemia.
He further informed that Carmagnolle told her friend, Siti Muntafiah, that she was feeling unwell at 7 p.m. on Monday. On Wednesday, she complained of dizziness. Muntafiah and two others, identified as Mujianto and Ayu Hikmah Azizah, took Carmagnolle to Yakssi Gemolong Islamic Public Hospital.
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"From the results of the examination, she was found to have a history of anemia, according to the laboratory results that she brought from France. She was given anemia medication by the hospital and was allowed to return home," Silalahi said.
Around 3.30 a.m. on Thursday, Muntafiah found Carmagnolle lying unresponsive on the bathroom floor.
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"Because they suspected that the victim had died, the witnesses then reported it to the Gemolong Police," he said.
Regarding the incident, the police have also coordinated with the immigration authority to contact the French Embassy and her family.