Denpasar, Bali (ANTARA) - The Bali Provincial Narcotics Agency (BNNP) and the Finance Ministry have busted drug distribution networks in Medan and Denpasar that were allegedly smuggling marijuana using courier services.
The Bali BNNP and the ministry's Bali and Nusa Tenggara regional Office of Customs and Excise (DJBC) collaborated in the cases and seized more than 3 kilograms of drugs from couriers and dealers, including a surfing instructor.
"(The perpetrators of) these two cases happened to have been sentenced for similar cases, that is (the abuse of) marijuana. (They are) recidivists," head of the Bali BNNP Brigadier General Gede Sugianyar Dwi Putra said during a press conference in Denpasar, Bali, on Tuesday.
The first arrest was made on May 11, 2022, after investigators from the BNNP received information from Bali and Nusa Tenggara customs office about drug smuggling. Based on observations made at several locations in Pemogan, investigators arrested DS, 33, and seized 738.34 grams of marijuana from him.
He claimed that he was following the instructions of a surf instructor named Edy. The agency’s examination showed that the surfer was allegedly using marijuana to alleviate his fatigue after exercising.
"Bali’s beaches are indeed synonymous with surfing. This (case) is not the first. This has become our (basis) for intensive investigations at surfing locations. There is an investigation (which has shown) that people who have surfed are tired, at night they usually partake in marijuana," Putra said.
"The (notion) of marijuana is still a challenge for law enforcement. Some say marijuana makes people calm, creative. The (concept) that is not true, and many have (denied it, ed.),” head of the eradication division of the Bali National Narcotics Agency, I Putu Agus Arjaya, said.
In the second case, the two agencies were keeping an eye on marijuana packages sent by a courier service company from Medan, North Sumatra.
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Based on information obtained from the North Sumatra BNNP, KBS (26) was arrested in Penatih, Denpasar, on May 19 and 11 packages of marijuana weighing 2,362.44 grams were seized from him. KBS said that he ordered the marijuana from a man named Abang from Medan.
Head of the Bali and Nusa Tenggara Customs and Excise Office, Susila Brata, said that the uncovering of the drug trafficking networks in Medan and Denpasar was the result of everyone’s cooperation.
He also said he expected that in the future, people would get involved in efforts to prevent and crack down on narcotics smuggling.
"I advise all residents that with increasing economic and tourism activities, let us also practice caution and collaborate, work together. Not only with the National Narcotics Agency, but also with the community," Brata said.
The two cases of marijuana smuggling involved delivery networks, so there is a chance that the narcotics packages were brought directly by immigrants or residents to Bali, he added.
BNNP, Customs bust drug smuggling rackets in Medan, Denpasar

Head of the Bali Provincial Narcotics Agency (BNNP), Brigadier General Gede Sugianyar Dwi Putra (second left); Head of the eradication division of the Bali BNNP, I Putu Agus Arjaya (right), and head of the Bali and Nusa Tenggara Customs and Excise Office, Susila Brata, with marijuana smugglers at a press conference in Denpasar, Bali, on Tuesday (May 31, 2022). (ANTARA/Genta Tenri Mawangi/my)