Bawaslu records 1,200 violations during elections

id bawaslu,KPU,election,presidential election,election violation,ASN neutrality

Bawaslu records 1,200 violations during elections

Commissioner of the prevention, community participation, and public relations division of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), Lolly Suhenty (center). (ANTARA/Ahmad Fikri/rst)

Cianjur, West Java (ANTARA) - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) on Wednesday informed that ethical infractions and neutrality violations by State Civil Apparatus (ASN) dominated the 1,200 cases of violations recorded during the 2024 elections.Commissioner of Bawaslu's prevention, community participation, and public relations division, Lolly Suhenty, said in Cianjur on Wednesday that of the 1,200 cases of violations, the number of ethical violations was the highest, followed by neutrality and other violations by ASN."Ethical violations committed by organizers have been widely reported and discovered as well as the (violations of the) neutrality of ASN in various regions in Indonesia, caused by several factors, including their own initiative or even conditioned violations," she informed.

Throughout the elections, her party was responsible for supervising and taking preventive measures against violations by election participants, political parties, ASN, and the general public.

During her visit to Cianjur, Suhenty said that Bawaslu worked to ensure that election organizers carried out their duties and functions in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations, while avoiding any violations that could ensnare them in election crimes.

"We have a guide to follow norms and regulations. We must also monitor all regions in Indonesia to ensure no violations occur until the election is over, both in terms of administration and following up on suspected criminal acts," she added.

She expressed the hope that the election would run safely and fairly without any violations committed by various groups, including organizers.

"We will continue to increase supervision until the 2024 election is declared finished," Suhenty informed.

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People can also help Bawaslu by reporting any election violation committed by organizers, she added. On February 14, 2024, voters cast their ballot to elect Indonesia's president, vice president, and members of the House of Representatives (DPR), Regional Representatives Council (DPD), and Regional Legislative Councils (DPRD) at the provincial, city, and district levels. The national level permanent voter list (DPT) reflected 204,807,222 voters.

In accordance with the General Election Commission (KPU) Regulation Number 3 of 2022, the national vote recapitulation for the election is scheduled to take place from February 15 to March 20.