Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed his contentment regarding the high level of interest among local investors to invest in the development of the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan.
"I am very happy with our local investors from East Kalimantan. They supported the government in the development of IKN Nusantara," he noted during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Nusantara Superblock in IKN on Wednesday.
Jokowi remarked that the investment value brought by local investors was quite large, reaching Rp3 trillion for major development.
"The investment value (for the Nusantara Superblock) is large, amounting to Rp3 trillion, to develop 7.5 hectares of land of the 40 thousand square meters of shopping center, a five-star hotel with 215 rooms, a four-star hotel with 200 rooms, eight apartment towers, two office towers, international school, and entertainment venue," he elaborated.
Jokowi expressed hope that the design of infrastructure funded by local investors would not be inferior to the infrastructure built by investors from Jakarta. He also called on local investors to consult with the head of the IKN Authority regarding the infrastructure design.
"The infrastructure must be built with a green building approach. We want all areas in IKN to be green. The concept will be different from other capital cities. The head of IKN Authority can be consulted for the design and will be curated by Ridwan Kamil," he stated.
The president is also optimistic that the infrastructure projects at IKN would contribute to economic growth in East Kalimantan Province, especially in Balikpapan, and can open up job opportunities for the community.
According to Jokowi, the Nusantara Superblock would become an interesting attraction in IKN and make it a world-class capital city.
Nusantara Superblock is located in the Central Government Core Area 1A in front of the Point Zero monument, the national axis area.
The superblock is a consortium comprising a shopping center, apartments, and three hotels, with a project value amounting to Rp5 trillion.