West Nusa Tenggara invites ambassadors to invest in province

id west nusa tenggara,invited ambassadors,Mandalika Special Economic Zone,Gala Dinner

West Nusa Tenggara invites ambassadors to invest in province

Direktur Konstruksi dan Operasional ITDC Ngurah Wirawan (kanan) berada di bukit Merese Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika bersama Dubes Austria Untuk Indonesia Helen Steinhausl (kiri), Dubes Serbia untuk Indonesia Slobodan Marinkovic (tengah) beserta Diplomat asing lainnya saat kunjungan Diplomatic Tour ke the Mandalika, Praya, Lombok Tengah, NTB, Sabtu (10/11/2018). Diplomatic Tour yang diselenggarakan Kementerian Luar Negeri RI tersebut bertujuan untuk membantu promosi kawasan wisata the Mandalika dan sekaligus mendorong kebangkitan pariwisata Lombok - Sumbawa pascagempa.ANTARA FOTO/Ahmad Subaidi/hp.

Mataram, W Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - West Nusa Tenggara Governor H. Zulkieflimansyah has invited ambassadors from several friendly countries to invest in the province.

One of the investment opportunities offered by the governor is the Mandalika Special Economic Zone in Central Lombok District, as he believes Mandalika is not only a project for Indonesia but also for the world.

Governor Zulkieflimansyah conveyed the invitation at the Gala Dinner with several ambassadors of friendly countries at the West Nusa Tenggara Governor Hall on Friday night.

Attendees at the Gala Dinner comprised Austrian Ambassador Helen Steinhausl, Azerbaijan Ambassador Tamerlan Garayev, Serbian Ambassador Slobodan Marinkovic, Thai Ambassador Song Phol Sukchan, Vietnamese Ambassador Pham Vinh Quang, and several other diplomats.

The governor remarked that the province had several interesting areas of potential to be developed and invested in, one of them being the Mandalika Special Economic Zone in Kuta Village, Central Lombok.

Zulkieflimansyah explained that currently, the provincial government had provided various facilities, including several forms of infrastructure, such as roads, to support investors.

To this end, he expressed hope that the presence of the ambassadors at the Gala Dinner would give out a strong message that West Nusa Tenggara had begun to recover after a devastating earthquake that hit some time ago.

"Enjoy and spend your time in here in Lombok," the governor noted in his closing remark.

In the meantime, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir stated that several ambassadors were keen to visit West Nusa Tenggara but due to various agendas, they delayed their visit.

"We will urge ambassadors and embassy representatives to demonstrate that Lombok is safe to visit. For that, we need to raise public awareness abroad. The message is that Lombok is safe to visit and beautiful," Fachir added.