Use PeduliLindungi app to find booster vaccination centers

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Use PeduliLindungi app to find booster vaccination centers

Screenshot—Government spokesperson for COVID-19 handling Reisa Broto Asmoro at a health broadcast that was followed online on Monday (December 12, 2022). (ANTARA/Hreeloita Dharma Shanti)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Government spokesperson for COVID-19 handling Reisa Broto Asmoro has asked the community to use the government's PeduliLindungi application to find fourth dose or second booster COVID-19 vaccination centers. "In the PeduliLindungi application, there are locations of vaccination (centers)," she said in a health broadcast that was followed online on Monday.

The government has tried to help the community to find the nearest COVID-19 vaccination center through the PeduliLindungi application, she added. The application allows the public to check the locations where vaccinations are provided.

People can also see the names and phone numbers of the nearest health facilities, along with updates regarding what types of vaccines are available. Apart from that, people can also register themselves online through the social media of the vaccination providers so that they do not have to wait in a queue to register.

The spokesperson highlighted that all parties must work together to increase the coverage of COVID-19 vaccinations, especially for the first booster dose, which as of December 11, 2022, has only reached 28.77 percent.

She said that the year-end holidays pose the risk of virus transmission as people's mobility increases. To this end, she expressed the hope that all parties can comply with the health protocols, implement a healthy lifestyle, and keep the environment clean.

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Asmoro reminded people that it takes two weeks for antibodies to be built. Thus, before the holidays, people must get the booster dose for optimal protection against virus transmission.

As part of efforts to boost community immunity against COVID-19, the Indonesian government rolled out a nationwide vaccination program on January 13, 2021, targeting as many as 234,666,020 citizens.

According to data provided by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, as of December 12, 2022, as many as 203,833,159 Indonesians have received the first vaccine dose, 174,449,231 have been administered the second dose, 67,522,970 have taken the third dose or first booster, and 1,018,280 have received the fourth dose or second booster.