BNPP to hold Independence Day ceremonies at 13 border posts

id plbn,cross-border post,border region,independence day,bnpp,home affairs ministry

BNPP to hold Independence Day ceremonies at 13 border posts

Military officers training flag-raising troop members to prepare for a ceremony of Indonesia's 79th Independence Day in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. ANTARA/HO-Pendim 1206/Psb (Teofilusianto Timotius)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Border Management Agency (BNPP) is preparing to hold ceremonies marking Indonesia's 79th Independence Day on August 17 at 13 out of 15 cross-border posts (PLBNs) scattered across the country.

In a statement received in Jakarta on Thursday, BNPP Secretary Rober Simbolon stated that high-ranking officials from the agency, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and other institutions would preside over the ceremonies.

"We are also planning to carry out a cheap food bazaar at the 13 PLBNs by collaborating with the National Food Agency (Bapanas) and local governments," he revealed.

Simbolon then drew attention to the two other PLBNs, saying that the border posts would not host a ceremony as they had just begun operating. The two posts are PLBN Labang in Nunukan District and PLBN Long Nawang in Malinau District, both of which are situated in North Kalimantan Province.

Furthermore, he remarked that the planned ceremonies at 13 PLBNs would serve as a manifestation of the Indonesian government's commitment to border regions, in line with President Joko Widodo's determination to develop Indonesia from its frontiers.

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"The ceremonies will also serve as a momentum to solidify our sense of unity and integrity and strengthen our care for border regions, which constitute an integral part of the country," he concluded.

Here is the list of PLBNs designated as a venue for an Independence Day ceremony:

  1. PLBN Serasan in Natuna District, Riau Islands Province
  2. PLBN Aruk in Sambas District, West Kalimantan Province
  3. PLBN Jagoi Babang in Bengkayang District, West Kalimantan Province
  4. PLBN Entikong in Sanggau District, West Kalimantan Province
  5. PLBN Badau in Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Province
  6. PLBN Sei Nyamuk in Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province
  7. PLBN Motaain in Belu District, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province
  8. PLBN Motamasin in Malaka District, NTT Province
  9. PLBN Wini in North Central Timor District, NTT Province
  10. PLBN Napan in North Central Timor District, NTT Province
  11. PLBN Skouw in Jayapura City, Papua Province
  12. PLBN Sota in Merauke District, South Papua Province
  13. PLBN Yetetkun in Boven Digoel District, Papua Province.