Yogyakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Pratikno, assured that the government's budget efficiency measures will not disrupt disaster mitigation efforts in Indonesia."Government functions continue to run as usual. Nothing is disrupted," he remarked when met in Yogyakarta on Tuesday.
Amid budget efficiency, the minister ensured the government had allocated sufficient funds, including ready-to-use funds, at the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB). With ready-to-use funds, the BNPB is still able to handle and respond to every disaster quickly, Pratikno affirmed.
"We already have the ready-to-use fund for disasters. The budget has been allocated," he remarked.
According to Pratikno, the budget efficiency policy actually optimizes budget allocation to prioritize public interest, including disaster mitigation.
"The bureaucracy in all levels of government is working hard to carry out efficiency. In all operational costs, we dedicate it to serve the community," he pointed out.
President Prabowo Subianto rolled out the budget efficiency policy through Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2025 concerning Spending Efficiency in the Implementation of the 2025 State Budget and Regional Budget.
Responding to the potential disaster due to the emergence of tropical cyclone seeds in the Indian Ocean, Pratikno remarked that his side is intensively coordinating with the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) to monitor weather developments.
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"As we know, climate change is real, and we must anticipate it," he stated.
To anticipate extreme weather, he affirmed that the government has taken several steps, including determining the emergency response status in several regions.
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He affirmed that disaster mitigation continues to be improved through infrastructure improvements, public education, and increasing preparedness at the local government level.
For the medium term, his side has coordinated with the Coordinating Ministry for Infrastructure and Regional Development regarding infrastructure improvements.
"Rivers and reservoirs are normalized to reduce the potential risk of disaster," he stated.