Eid travelers asked to restwhile driving to prevent mishaps

id eid exodus,accident

Eid travelers asked to restwhile driving to prevent mishaps

A bus and two minibuses were involved in a road mishap on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road KM 58 in Karawang, West Java, on Monday (April 8, 2024). (ANTARA/HO-Humas Kemenhub)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Transportation Ministry here on Monday asked Eid exodus travelers to prioritize safety and rest if they are tired to prevent accidents during the homecoming trip."Regarding the accident involving a bus and two minibuses on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, Karawang, West Java, this morning at 7:04 a.m. local time, the ministry asked all travelers to prioritize safety," director general of land transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, said here on Monday.

He expressed the hope that travelers will stop at rest areas for 30 minutes or find a more comfortable place to take a break if they feel sleepy or exhausted.

"Given the dense traffic condition that makes travelers tired, let's prioritize rest time. It is recommended to take a rest for a half an hour every driving for four hours," he advised.

In addition, he asked people to plan their travel time as well as possible.

"Travelers should choose to leave at times when they are not prone to being sleepy and try to get enough sleep before driving," he said.

He expressed his condolences and concern over Monday's accident on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, which involved a Primajasa Bus (bearing the license plate number B 7655 TGD), a Daihatsu Grandmax (B 1635 BKT), and a Daihatsu Terios vehicle (E 1399 MF).

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"We express condolence for this accident that has caused casualties," he said.

He informed that his side has coordinated with the police to conduct an in-depth investigation into the accident. The accident reportedly happened due to driver fatigue, which led the driver of the Daihatsu Grandmax to swing the vehicle in the other direction.