Cooperation with Canada to support energy needs: minister

id indonesia canada cooperation on critical minerals,Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Bahlil Lahadalia,energy needs

Cooperation with Canada to support energy needs: minister

Petugas Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) bersama guru memberikan pertolongan kepada seorang pelajar yang terluka saat latihan kesiapsiagaan bencana gempa dan tsunami di gedung Escape Building, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Sabtu (21/12/2024). Pemerintah Aceh bekerjasama dengan Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) menggelar Tsunami Drill dalam rangkaian memperingati 20 tahun bencana tsunami 26 Desember 2024 dengan melibatkan sejumlah sekolah untuk memberikan edukasi, kesiapsiagaan dan pengurangan resiko bencana kepada pelajar. ANTARA FOTO/Ampelsa/agr

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Cooperation with Canada in critical minerals will help Indonesia meet its increasing energy needs, according to Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Bahlil Lahadalia."Our electricity is currently 91 gigawatts with economic growth below 6 percent. Following President Prabowo's (Subianto) target for future economic growth of 8 percent, we need an additional 61 gigawatts to support this target," he said in his statement released on Saturday.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on critical minerals was signed between Indonesia and Canada in December this year. He noted that the MoU covers several strategic work areas, including the implementation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through clean technology, and strengthening trade and investment in the mining sector.

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The collaboration is expected to support the acceleration of the energy transition and economic growth of both countries. The minister also emphasized the importance of the cooperation to meet Indonesia's increasing energy needs.

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He further explained that the world is currently facing a serious threat due to increasingly worrying global warming. Therefore, many countries in the world, including Indonesia, have committed to achieving net zero emissions, with the global target set at 2050.

Indonesia is targeting a reduction in emissions of 915 million tons of CO2 by 2030, including the contribution of the energy sector of 358 million tons. In 2023, Indonesia reduced emissions by 128 million tons.

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