Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs will summon a number of electronic system operators to further discuss the strengthening of regulation on child protection in the digital space.The ministry's expert staff for communication and mass media, Molly Prabawaty, said in Jakarta on Thursday that in a follow-up focus group discussion, digital platforms will be asked to provide inputs on the child protection regulation that is currently being prepared.
She informed that the legal basis for the regulation on child safety online is the Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE) Law Number 1 of 2024, while its derivative regulation or Draft Government Regulation (RPP) is being prepared.
The RPP has been in process for a long time and has been harmonized with the Ministry of Law. The regulation will next go to the Ministry of State Secretariat.
"We want to include child protection in the digital space in the government regulation. We hope the regulation can be approved soon," she said.
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The government will also assess whether it needs to be transformed into a law or be made into a ministerial regulation. Communication and Digital Affairs Minister Meutya Hafid has stressed the critical importance of expediting the creation of a regulation to safeguard children from potential threats in the digital space.
During a meeting with stakeholders here on Thursday, Hafid highlighted that the Indonesian government is currently prioritizing child protection in the digital sphere to address the diverse risks there.
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Earlier on Sunday, she announced that she had signed a decree on forming a special team tasked with studying the plan to introduce age-based restrictions on children's access to social media platforms.