Naval ship docks in Egypt, unloads aid for Palestinians

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Naval ship docks in Egypt, unloads aid for Palestinians

Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) officers unload humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people from KRI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 at the Port of Al Arish, Egypt, on Thursday (February 15, 2024). (ANTARA/HO-Dinas Penerangan TNI AL/nbl)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Navy's (TNI-AL's) hospital ship KRI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 has docked at the Port of Al Arish in Egypt with humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza Strip.TNI-AL's Information Office, in a written statement released here on Friday, informed that the humanitarian aid from the Indonesian people was unloaded gradually after the ship's arrival at the port in the Sinai Peninsula on Tuesday (February 13, 2024)

The unloading of the 242 tonnes humanitarian aid at the port was completed on Friday, according to the office. While the unloading process was on, a symbolic handover ceremony was held to the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), represented by Ahmed Buhaeri Ali on Wednesday (February 14).

The Navy informed that after the assistance was unloaded, it was rearranged based on its type and repackaged for distribution to the Gaza Strip by the ERC. The aid will be distributed through Rafah, the closest entry point to Gaza.

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The ERC is the humanitarian organization authorized by the Egyptian authority to receive and supply humanitarian assistance from foreign countries, including Indonesia, for Palestinians in Gaza.

KRI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 sailed out from Jakarta on January 18, 2024, carrying 80 truck loads of humanitarian aid, including diapers, clothes for children and adults, jackets, various types of foods and medicines, and blankets.

Its send-off ceremony was presided over by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. This was the ship's first voyage outside Indonesian waters since its launch in August 2022. The ship set sail with 214 crew members, including 40 special officers of the Navy.