Jakarta (ANTARA) - Manpower Minister Yassierli said that cross-sectoral collaboration is the key to solving employment issues, particularly to suppress the unemployment rate.
"Unemployment is a shared problem, not only for the central government, but also for local governments and industries," Yassierli said during an event titled "Proud to Be a Farmer" in West Bandung, West Java, as quoted in a statement on Sunday.
He said that such an event was relevant to changing the negative stigma about the agricultural profession. He also expressed hope that the event could attract the younger generation to be more interested in the agricultural sector.
On that occasion, Yassierli emphasized commitment to the promotion of the agricultural profession to young people, which aligns with President Prabowo Subianto's main programs, one of which is that Indonesia will soon achieve food self-sufficiency.
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"Becoming farmers is noble. The future of farmers is not gloomy if they work with high productivity and innovation, such as utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) technology to increase agricultural efficiency and effectiveness," Yassierli explained.
He pointed out that a profession in agriculture is an honorable road because, in addition to gaining personal benefits, it is also a kind of charity since farmers feed and provide for the surrounding community.
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To support the agriculture sector, he said that the Agriculture Ministry's Vocational Training and Productivity Center (BPVP) will provide certification for graduates of agricultural vocational schools.
"BPVP is present to enhance skills, give certifications, and bring together partners to develop a more advanced agricultural ecosystem," he said.
Collaboration key to solving employment issues: minister

Direktur ILO untuk Indonesia dan Timor-Leste Simrin Singh (kiri) dan Direktur Utama BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo usai konferensi pers Asia Expert Roundtable On Unemployment Protection yang digelar ILO bersama BPJS Ketenagakerjaan di Jakarta, Rabu (9/10/2024) (ANTARA/HO-BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)