Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Greater Jakarta Police has said that it will continue to maintain vigilance following the Jakarta Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) on Wednesday."The Greater Jakarta Police chief has advised officials to continue to increase vigilance, and not to underestimate (the situation)," head of the Greater Jakarta Police's public relations, Senior Commissioner Ade Ary Syam Indradi, informed here on Thursday.
He said that his side will continue to supervise the situation so that residents in Greater Jakarta can carry out their activities safely.
According to him, Pilkada implementation in areas under the jurisdiction of the Greater Jakarta Police has been safe and under control.
"The Greater Jakarta Police chief would like to express his deepest gratitude for the cooperation and support from all parties and the society who actively participated in realizing a conducive security situation," he said.
Indradi also appealed to all police officials and the community in the region to be smart and wise in using social media. "Do not do bad things, especially those that violate the law, in order to make the public security and order remain conducive," he advised.
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He added that the Greater Jakarta Police has formed seven task forces to ensure the peaceful implementation of Pilkada in Jakarta and its surrounding areas.
The first task force is the pre-emptive task force, which is focusing on the prevention of security disturbances through an educational approach.
Second is the preventive task force that has been tasked to be the cooling system and carry out patrols.
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Third is the law enforcement task force, which has been tasked with handling criminal acts and security disturbances. The fourth task force has been asked to ensure smooth traffic flow, while the fifth is the enforcement task force.
The sixth is handling public relations and media, and the last task force is the operational assistance task force.