Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - Bank of Indonesia (BI) reminded regional governments of West Papua and Southwest Papua to anticipate the risk of an increase in prices in some commodities supplied from outside the regions. Junior Economist at the West Papua Representative Office for BI, M. Harits Abdullah, said in Manokwari, West Papua, on Monday that El Nino would impact food commodities, particularly those distributed from areas outside West Papua and Southwest Papua, for instance, Java Island.
"The impact of the dry season on West Papua and Southwest Papua is insignificant. However, suppliers' regions are very much impacted," he pointed out. He cited the example of harvest failure in Java that led to an increase of some commodities sent to areas outside the island.
Abdullah outlined the measures which BI and the regional governments can undertake to anticipate those issues, ranging from market operations, planting more of the food commodities in question, and ensuring stability in food distribution.
The efforts were made in order to ensure that food stocks in the market are sufficient to meet the demands of consumers, so they can buy them at affordable prices, and the inflation remains under control, he pointed out. "(This is), so (that) we can suppress the risk arising from El Nino that is (going to) happen," he explained.
He cited data from Oceanic Nino Index, which indicated an increase in sea surface temperature and predicted that the dry season will hit in the third quarter of 2023. Hence, collaboration from one and all, including regional governments of West Papua and Southwest Papua, is crucial to maintain food distribution, he emphasized. "What needs to be considered is that Eid al-Adha is coming soon," he pointed out.
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Chicken and eggs are one of the staple goods whose prices are increasing, Abdullah noted. He stated that such condition is not exclusive to West Papua or Southwest Papua, as it is also found in Surabaya and Makassar, areas in Indonesia that supply the commodities. "Hence, BI consistently pursues (the establishment) of chicken food factories in West Papua," he added.
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