ASDP transported 387,204 passengers to Java Island on April 11-14

id return flow,Eid 2024,Bakauheni Port,Lampung,Merak Port,Banten,ASDP Indonesia Ferry

ASDP transported 387,204 passengers to Java Island on April 11-14

Several two-wheeled vehicle passengers moved towards the ship at Bakauheni Port in Lampung to cross to Merak Port in Banten, during the return flow period on the third day of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, Saturday (13/4/2024). (ANTARA/Aloysius Lewokeda)

Bakauheni, Lampung (ANTARA) - PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry carried 387,204 passengers from Sumatra Island to Java Island on April 11-14, 2024.

"The average number of passengers per day is 98,801 people," Secretary of ASDP Indonesia Ferry Shelvy Arifin stated at the Bakauheni Port in Lampung, Monday.

The passengers comprised 35,238 pedestrian passengers and 351,966 people in vehicles from Bakauheni Port and Panjang Port, both in Lampung, to Merak Port and Ciwandan Port, both in Banten.

ASDP operates 37 ships, with a total of 474 trips to carry those passengers. Apart from passengers, the number of vehicles transported to Java comprised 41,963 two-wheeled vehicles, 47,318 four-wheeled vehicles, 2,466 trucks, and 1,278 buses.

During the return flow service for Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, ASDP provided 66 vessels, with the number operating adjusted to needs in the field. Earlier, President Director of ASDP Indonesia Ferry, Ira Puspadewi, stated that apart from the returning flow services, her side also paid attention to the weather aspects for crossings through coordination with the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

"There are BMKG stations based in the ports, in Merak and in Bakauheni, so we always update them at all times regarding the latest weather forecast," she revealed.

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She expects weather conditions to stay conducive during the return flow period, so that crossing services run safely and smoothly. Based on monitoring of return flow at Bakauheni Port on Monday, ship crossing services continue to carry passengers and vehicles to Merak Port.

Pedestrian passengers also arrived since morning at the regular and executive terminals to arrange ship tickets. Apart from that, two- and four-wheeled vehicles, trucks, and buses, which arrived at the port, also immediately filled the ship entry queue on the available lanes.