Baznas optimizes alms potential to support Golden Indonesia vision

id zakat management,alms,Baznas,Golden Indonesia

Baznas optimizes alms potential to support Golden Indonesia vision

Baznas Deputy Chairperson Mokhamad Mahdum greets participants of the free Eid al-Fitr homecoming exodus program in Jakarta on Sunday (April 7, 2024). ANTARA/HO-Humas Baznas

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Alms Agency (Baznas) emphasized its commitment to supporting the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision by optimizing the zakat (Islamic alms) potential as a strategic measure to eradicate poverty.

Baznas Deputy Chairperson Mokhamad Mahdum in a Baznas statement here on Sunday stated that Indonesia has a very large zakat potential, reaching Rp327 trillion (around US$20.63 billion) per year.

"With the right zakat management and support from various parties, such as the government, the private sector, and the community, zakat funds can be a strategic instrument in improving the welfare of the poor," he said.

Despite the potential, he said that the zakat, infak (donation), and sedekah (voluntary charity) collections have only reached around Rp41 trillion (around US$2.58 billion).

One of the main problems, he said, is the lack of understanding of the importance of zakat for collective welfare among people in the country.

Apart from that, he stated that the other challenge faced by Baznas is the issue of infrastructure and synergy between zakat management agencies.

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"Given that there are more than 500 zakat agencies in Indonesia, collaboration is needed to ensure zakat distribution is more effective and accurate," he said.

Amid the challenges, he underlined that support from the government is a big opportunity to bolster zakat management in Indonesia.

"The support is in the form of regulations and infrastructure that enable zakat management agencies like Baznas to have a strong foundation in carrying out their tasks and improve accountability and public trust in Baznas," he remarked.

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He further said that cross-sectoral collaboration, including with the private sector and other organizations, is also important to expand the reach of zakat-based programs to achieve the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision.

He also affirmed that his agency continues to make efforts to improve zakat management human resources to support the country in achieving its vision.

"With quality and professional human resources, supported by digitalization in zakat management, we can realize zakat management that is more efficient, transparent, and targeted," he said.