Indonesia to add fourth vaccine producer, boost output

id vaccines,biofarma

Indonesia to add fourth vaccine producer, boost output

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin. (ANTARA/HO-Ministry of Health)

Jakarta (ANTARA) -

Indonesia plans to add another vaccine producer soon, bringing the total to four, and aims to transfer technology from global vaccine producers to boost production, according to Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin."Previously, Indonesia had only one vaccine producer, Biofarma. However, in the last two years, the number of producers has increased to three, with two from the private sector," he said in a statement released on Thursday.

He emphasized the importance of diversifying vaccine producers and transferring technology to increase vaccine production capacity globally. According to Sadikin, COVID-19 has taught an important lesson to every country: not to rely on a single vaccine producer.

As an example, he referred to the collaboration between Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD) and Indonesia's state-run Biofarma for the production of the HPV vaccine. Biofarma is also producing polio vaccines, which are being distributed to 150 countries through the UNICEF program, he added.

"We also encourage Biofarma to immediately obtain WHO PQ Prequalification, even though the process is long and bureaucratic. However, with our input, WHO began simplifying the process," Sadikin said.

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"It is important to ensure sufficient vaccine supply in the world to prevent the danger of the next pandemic," he added.

Sadikin highlighted Indonesia's role in supporting technology transfer to developing countries, citing the example of Biofarma's collaboration with Senegal to develop vaccine production capacity in Africa.

He stated that vaccine production capacity should not be concentrated solely in northern countries.

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"Technology must be distributed to southern countries so that more lives can be saved," he said. "This knowledge must be shared as much as possible with other companies."

This step is part of Indonesia's commitment to strengthening global cooperation in facing future health challenges, he added.

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