Indonesian, Russian navies complete Orruda Joint Training

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Indonesian, Russian navies complete Orruda Joint Training

Russian Navy ships RFS Rezkiy (343), RFS Gromky (335), RFS Aldar Tsydenzhapov (339), and Indonesian Navy ship KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (343) participating in the sea phase of the 2024 Orruda Joint Training in the Java Sea, on Thursday (November 7, 2024). (ANTARA PHOTOS/Indrianto Eko Suwarso/Spt/nbl)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian and Russian navies on Friday completed the sea phase of the 2024 Orruda Joint Training in the Java Sea near Surabaya, East Java.The joint training, consisting of the harbor phase and sea phase, took place from November 4–8, 2024.

"The joint training closing ceremony took place on the sea, and Russian Navy ships participating in the agenda directly sailed to their base," head of the Indonesian Navy's Information Office for the 2nd Fleet Command, Colonel Widyo Sasongko, said here on Friday.

For the joint training, the Indonesian Navy deployed KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (332) frigate ship, KRI Frans Kaisiepo (368) corvette ship, and AS565 MBe Panther anti-submarine chopper, he informed.

Meanwhile, the Russian Navy deployed two corvettes, RFS Gromky (335) and RFS Aldar Tsydenzhapov (339), the RFS Rezkiy (343) frigate, and RFS Pechenga medium tanker ship.

Training on the first sea phase day comprised comprehensive maritime security exercises, including tactical maneuvers, flag hoisting, inter-ship crew exchange, and flash communication.

On the second day, Indonesian and Russian officers took part in vertical replenishment exercises, photo exercises, as well as farewell and salute ceremonies to conclude the joint training.

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On the sidelines of the joint training, the Russian Navy assigned the B-588 Ufa submarine and Alatau salvage tug for a port visit to Surabaya on Thursday.

The submarine's commander, Captain 2nd Rank Andrey Barkov, met 2nd Fleet Command's Submarine Unit Commander, Colonel Yulius Zaenal, at the latter's office on Friday.

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The Russian Navy delegates also visited the Nanggala Monument to pay respect to Indonesian Navy officers who perished in the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine disaster in 2021.

"The joint training became a symbol of appreciation and solidarity from the Russian Navy to the Indonesian Navy, as well as strengthening the friendship of our two navies," Colonel Sasongko said.

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