Youth must improve agriculture sector to build food security

id central kalimantan,agriculture,bogor agricultural institute

Youth must improve agriculture sector to build food security

Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran visited the Agribusiness and Technology Park IPB University in Bogor on Thursday (January 12, 2023) and explored its garden. (ANTARA/HO-Diskominfosantik Kalteng)

Palangka Raya, Central Kaliman (ANTARA) - Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran has asked the youth or millennials to improve the agricultural and livestock sectors in a bid to achieve food security. "We want millennials in Central Kalimantan to have a strong will to learn about agriculture and animal husbandry for their own food security," Sabran said in a statement received in Palangka Raya on Thursday.

The provincial government is trying to pursue cooperation with many stakeholders, including the education sector, to build food security. "We have seen several universities in Indonesia, one of which is the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB)," he said after witnessing the signing of a cooperation agreement on institutional improvement and business management of Village-Owned Enterprises.

The agreement was inked by the Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD) and the Business School of Bogor Agricultural Institute University. He also called for cooperation between the Central Kalimantan Agricultural Office and the university. In the future, his administration will be ready to send 50–100 millennials to study at IPB, he added.

"We are forming a cooperative to improve it and we will assist, (whether) from government funds and CSR (corporate social responsibility). In the future, we will build a dorm here for Central Kalimantan millennial farmers who study here," the governor said.

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The governor wants Central Kalimantan's millennial farmers to master science and technology well so that they can compete and develop the region as best as possible.

He said that the agriculture and livestock sectors have been prioritized in Central Kalimantan’s development because his administration has seen that currently, the global situation has changed due to events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, thereby making food security an important issue.