Little journalists take over ANTARA News Agency on Children's Day

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Little journalists take over ANTARA News Agency on Children's Day

A little journalist taking a mock interview at the ANTARA News Agency during the "Kids take over ANTARA" agenda on the occasion of 2024 National Children's Day. ANTARA/HO-Sekretariat Redaksi ANTARA/nbl.

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Little journalists took over the ANTARA News Agency office here on Friday (July 19) on the occasion of National Children's Day on July 23.

Nine little journalists, aged three to eight, participated in the "Kids take over ANTARA" event during which they met reporters, photojournalists, and video journalists and got a first-hand experience of the work of journalists for a day.

"Kids take over ANTARA is our effort to introduce to the children the works of a news agency and ANTARA from the inside," ANTARA President Director Akhmad Munir stated on Saturday.

Meanwhile, ANTARA's Director of Finance and Risk Management, Nina Kurnia Dewi, stated that the agenda provides an opportunity for the children to become acquainted with the place where their parents work. All participants are children of ANTARA News Agency employees.

"We are thankful to have a family-friendly office, which is reflected through this agenda to encourage employee engagement, making employees feel that the company cares about their families," Dewi remarked.

During the agenda, the little journalists were introduced to the ANTARA TV studio, where they saw and experienced using television camera broadcast sets and interviewing their friends.

In a mock interview with Dewi, they displayed curiosity by posing questions related to her career in ANTARA or basic questions such as her full name or when she went home.

Ida Nurcahyani, the mother of the participating children and a reporter for ANTARA, commended the "Kids take over ANTARA" event, which reflected the company's commitment to creating a mother- and kid-friendly work environment.

"This is my first experience in introducing my work environment to my child. I hope there will be more working mother-friendly companies providing opportunities for employees' children to understand their parents' work," she expounded.

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ANTARA News Agency commemorates the 2024 National Children's Day under the theme of #BersamaANTARAdiHariAnak (Together with ANTARA on Children's Day).

For the commemorative day, ANTARA will also organize a public campaign to promote the Women Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry's National Children's Day theme of "Child Protection for an Advanced Indonesia."