Police thwart illegal departureof workers to Malaysia, arrest three

id Indonesian migrant workers (PMI),Indonesia,Malaysia

Police thwart illegal departureof workers to Malaysia, arrest three

The speedboat used to transport illegal migrant workers to Malaysia from Rokan Hilir. (ANTARA/HO-Polsek Kubu)

Pekanbaru, (ANTARA) - Police personnel from Kubu Sector, Rokan Hilir, Riau, prevented the illegal departure of Indonesian migrant workers to Malaysia and arrested three men on suspicion of human trafficking.The suspects were identified with their initials as FA (49), WA (35), and HA (41).

Speaking from Pekanbaru, Riau Province, on Monday, Chief of Kubu Police First Inspector Kodam F. Sidabutar confirmed the arrests.

He said that the case was uncovered based on information received from the public about suspicious activity on Jalan SK1 Sungai Agas, Kepenghuluan Teluk Piyai Pesisir, Kubu District, on Sunday.

"The information stated that there was an alleged human trafficking crime, planning to send Indonesian citizens using a speedboat to Malaysia via illegal route," he added.

Acting on the tip, police investigated the location and monitored activities around the river. Around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, when the water level began to rise, the team spotted several people approaching a speedboat.

When the boat's engine was started, the police conducted a raid. Based on the results of the investigation, the speedboat had three passengers, identified as Na (18), Bis (40), and Jef (25), on board.

"The plan (was) that they will depart for Malaysia without complete official documents, such as passports," Sidabutar said.

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In addition to arresting the suspects, police officials also confiscated several pieces of evidence, such as the speedboat, a cellphone, and Rp12.5 million in cash, from them.

The perpetrators reportedly offered migrant worker transportation services to Malaysia and charged Rp6 million per person.

"Based on the information we received, FA, as a leader, received a wage of Rp4 million for each departure. Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators received Rp500 thousand per passenger," he informed.

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They face the charge of violating Article 81, in conjunction with Article 69 or Article 83, in conjunction with Article 68 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers and/or Article 4 of Law Number 21 of 2017 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Human Trafficking.