Homecoming flow in W Java smooth; no natural disasters

id Eid Al-Fitr,homecoming,exodus,BNPB,PMI,Johny Sumbung,Director for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Planning,National Di

Homecoming flow in W Java smooth; no natural disasters

Director for rehabilitation and reconstruction planning at the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Johny Sumbung, monitoring the weather during the 2023 Eid al-Fitr homecoming at Ciasem sub-district, Subang district, West Java province, on Friday (April 24, 2023). (ANTARA/HO-BNPB/uyu)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Eid al-Fitr homecoming activities in West Java province remained conducive without any natural disaster occurrence, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported in a statement received on Saturday.

BNPB teams carried out the monitoring of homecoming activities in three districts, namely Subang, Bekasi, and Purwakarta, on Friday (April 21, 2023).

The teams noted that the traffic in Subang district was conducive, while the weather was sunny and cloudy.

Director for rehabilitation and reconstruction planning at BNPB Johny Sumbung said at the Ciasem sub-district post that the monitoring in Subang district took place in the rest areas of Kilometers (KM) 102 of Cipali Toll Road and Ciasem.

In general, the traffic was busy and smooth and there were no disasters, he added.

His agency collaborated with the military, police, National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), Subang District Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), Transportation Office, Health Office, as well as the operator of KM102 of Cipali Toll Road Rest Area in carrying out monitoring.

Furthermore, the BNPB teams deployed in Bekasi district also reported that there were no disasters in the area and the weather was cloudy.

The teams, which were posted at Gedung Juang 45, Bekasi District Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) office, and PT Indo Beras Unggul, observed that the homecoming activities in the region ran smoothly.

Joint teams of officers from several local government agencies, military, police, non-governmental organizations, and volunteers cooperated to manage the traffic flow.

They also readied ambulances, trail motorbikes, and public kitchen cars to support homecoming activities.

Meanwhile, rainfall was recorded in the afternoon in Purwakarta district, according to a report from the BNPB team at the joint post at the Ciganea Toll Exit.

However, the rainy weather did not disrupt traffic flow and there were no reports of natural disasters in the area.

The Eid al-Fitr homecoming monitoring joint team in Purwakarta district had prepared three referral hospitals, namely Bayu Asih Regional Hospital, Radjak Hospital Purwakarta, and Siloam Hospital Purwakarta, to treat any accident victims in the region.

In addition to West Java province, BNPB teams also monitored exodus activities in several areas in the provinces of Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java.

The agency also provided a disaster-safe Eid al-Fitr homecoming map for travelers, which could be accessed on https://gis.bnpb.go.id.

The Religious Affairs Ministry had announced that the 1444 Hijri Eid al-Fitr would be observed in Indonesia on April 22 this year.

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