Agencies to make artificial rain to prevent peatland fires

id riau,forest land fire

Agencies to make artificial rain to prevent peatland fires

Illustration—A police officer checks burning land in Pelintung, Medang Kampai, Dumai, Riau, on May 2, 2023. (ANTARA/Aswaddy Hamid)

Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA) - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) have resumed the use of weather modification technology (TMC) in Riau after halting it for several months.

"After being suspended, now the central government has resumed rainmaking in Riau. (Through) TMC, we are spreading salt in potential clouds, which are expected to cause rainfall in Riau," Head of the Riau Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) M. Edy Afrizal said here on Monday.

The artificial rain is expected to help reduce the incidence of forest and land fires by wetting peatlands in Riau, as the province is currently experiencing the hot and dry season, he added.

Afrizal said the agency was grateful that Riau has obtained TMC assistance again for the second phase. The artificial rain operation has been carried out for several days.

"Thank you to BRGM and BRIN for conducting this second phase of TMC. In general, peatlands in Riau are relatively dry," he said, noting that some parts of peatlands can burn even in the rainy season.

"The rains are still not enough to extinguish the fires completely," he added.

He said he expects that the 11-day TMC with BRIN and BRGM will focus on eastern coastal areas, which are dominated by peatlands.

The eastern coast of Riau borders neighboring countries, so hotspots or haze may spread outside the country's borders.

Earlier, BNPB had carried out a TMC operation in Riau province from April 9 to May 8, 2023.

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It led to the successful extinguishing of fires in affected regions, such as Sinaboi, Rokan Hilir; Pelintung and Sungai Sembilan in Dumai; Rupat; and Tapung Kampar. Teluk Makmur in Dumai was still in the cooling stage.

"Residents are asked not to clear land by burning. Don't throw away cigarette butts, especially in plantations, vacant land, or forest," Afrizal said