Police asks Aviation Health Agency to help identify Glodok victims

id Kramat jati police hospital, Aviation Health Agency,aircraft crew,Glodok Plaza fire,DNA,post mortem,ante mortem

Police asks Aviation Health Agency to help identify Glodok victims

Ketua Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso. (ANTARA/HO-Dokumentasi pribadi)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Kramat Jati Police Hospital will ask the Aviation Health Agency to obtain data on the aircraft crew suspected of being victims of the Glodok Plaza fire in West Jakarta on Wednesday night (January 15).

"Tomorrow, we will write to the Aviation Health Center," the head of the Police Medical Bureau, Senior Commissioner Ahmad Fauzi, informed on Sunday.

His party considered the Aviation Health Center to have complete medical record data on the aircraft crew suspected of being victims of the Glodok Plaza fire.

"This data will help the police hospital to identify the fire victims (post mortem and ante mortem)," Fauzi continued.

His party has also taken DNA samples from 14 families who reported missing family members after the fire, he added.

"We took mucosal swabs from the mouth and several documents as well," he remarked.

For post mortem data, Fauzi informed the DNA was taken from the closest family such as biological parents or children.

After the DNA test results are released, the police will conduct a reconciliation to match the ante mortem data with the post mortem.

"If the results match, we will announce it immediately," he assured.

According to him, officers will conduct an examination and take DNA from the parts in the body bags.

He informed the police need one to two weeks or more to confirm the results of the victims' identification.

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"Usually it will be slower because the condition of the evidence brought to the DNA laboratory is also difficult," he stated.

He informed that the Kramat Jati Police Hospital has proper facilities and human resources to carry out the identification process.

"The obstacle is this ante mortem data that requires further examination," he said.

Previously, Taman Sari Police’s criminal investigation unit chief, Commissioner Suparmin, informed that the fire in Glodok Plaza originated on the ninth floor of the building.

The blaze reportedly began in a room on the ninth floor that was once a discotheque and featured a digital billboard on its exterior wall. As the firefighting efforts faltered, flames spread to the eighth and seventh floors, he revealed.